. each one is an original and no one can have the same one.
. upcycling has become my new love.
. I invent, design, combine and create.
When you think about buying a new item, is it important to you what material it is made of and who made it for you?
By buying this handbag, you will help recycle part of the jute bag that would otherwise be burned.
Would you like to collaborate on the production of your handbag and create a completely unique look? The shape, the material used, the color of the leather, the fastening and how long the belt will be. All this can be invented by you. If you want, I will be your silent advisor or you can just express your wish for your favorite color and leave everything to me.
I RECOMMEND buy more too skin balm from beeswax with lanolin.
The handbag is made with love of craftsmanship and is copyrighted.
Delivery time: I only make to order
Product care: